Require account for Slack Users

Discussion Topic

At the moment we have less than 1000 Users in our LDAP (which are active users). In our Slack we do have more then 4000 users. In order to get a better data quality and in order the introduce terms and conditions it would be good, to require a LDAP account.


  • we would get a better active user base
  • we could move more traffic into, which is more visible to the outside (espec. for search engines)


  • we must find a way to force existing slack users, to connect / create their user accounts

suggested way to enforce it

  • tell all users that they need to move to to link their slack acounts
  • Disable all exisiting users in slack
  • Let users re-enable their accounts during the “linking process”
  • Allow new accounts only via

Remarks and notes

Add everything from the discussion that does not fit other categories.


Topic Initiator: Stefan Busemann

Ideally when creating a account you’d then get the slack account directly. Otherwise you’d have to register twice, which would be annoying.

Maybe we can do something like .

A single login for the entire TYPO3 ecosystem is the way to go.

I also like approach with single user for all TYPO3 system

so typo3 forces me to set up an account at slack which (maybe) i dont want to use… at a company in the US? Am i right? you know i am a slack user but i can imagine some users dont want their data sent to slack…

LDAP should be the central directory for any TYPO3 service, so yes, absolutely the way to go :+1:

You’re not forced to create a Slack account at all. If you create a account, nothing will happen with Slack by default, but if you want to use Slack, you’ll be forced to log in with a TYPO3 account because this will be the only enabled login method.

I don’t see any problems here therefore.

I like the SSO thing too. But you have to make sure, the existing user accounts don’t get mangled.
I am fine, if I would have to do some manual action on that, and I will prefer instead of you do something with my account, which seems at least a little bit risky …
And don’t forget about that:
→ deep impact on privacy …

It’s a good point, of course, first priority will be LDAP // SSO for all the TYPO3 services. One suggestion, we can try to find the way to smartly integrate slack - of course without forcing and taking permission of a user. eg., Whenever a user create an account at then we can send an invitation to join Slack eg., In the same way, we might set slack bot which invites all existing slack user to setup TYPO3 account - Just my opinion :wink:

SSO would be nice. If it’s technically feasible it should be checked how the users of both can be combined and what the legal implications are.

Yes, that’s what I meant - so you’ll be able to use one account for everything but we don’t send any of your data to slack when you create an account.

I like that idea too. However, keep in mind that we’re on a standard plan in Slack. I see no way to enable LDAP in our settings (I’m admin so I should see it).

If we decide to use LDAP, then someone needs to get in touch with Slack and check if they permit the feature for us.

I suggest this way to enforce it:

  • tell all users that they need to move to to link their slack acounts
  • Disable all exisiting users in slack
  • Let users re-enable their accounts during the “linking process”
  • Allow new accounts only via

This is not an easy topic :slight_smile: I am in favor of course of the “single login for all TYPO3 ecosystem”. The problem is that it is difficult to make people change their habits, and every enforcement could lead to moodiness.

Yes, that is a good idea; I don’t think that an automatic creation would be good (personal opinion)

about the opposite road, i.e.

As I said, I fear that this kind of enforcement would lead to a massive quit of people… IMHO this kind of transition should be handled very carefully, with a long-term “deprecation strategy” I don’t know if I have explained myself

@erredeco basicly agree on that. Maybe it makes sense to have it done in several steps.

  • Blog Posting about that and message about the blog post to all slack users
    • Deprecation strategy … transition time … etc.
  • First only allow new users via
  • Second inform users during login about
  • Third deprecate direct access

I’m very unsure about the timeframes we are talking about.

The deeply disturbing about this discussion: it clarifys, that I am the only one here so far, who is concerned about privacy and DSGVO / GDPR.

I am against this kind of enforcement. In the past, we told everybody: “Hey come over to slack, we will help you on short notice.” And now we want to make it a bit more difficult by adding the layer?

Why do we need to get “a better data quality” about those 2140 Slack Members that posted 2 or less messages?
I see no use in creating “terms and conditions” for the usage of Slack. The only applicable “terms and conditions” are those from Slack.

How should that be happen? How would do you define “active user base”? How would you messure that? What do you want to do with this knowledge?

Could you explain more detailed, which kind of data you want to publish here? Or how do you what to “move traffic” to talk? I guess that would be a good example for this DSGVO stuff.

I guess, that would be the best way to filter out all those users, that stayed quite for a while / never intended to talk / where to shy to talk and scare them out of the community. Great success - not.

So in my opinion, that is the perfect way to sabotage this kind of working community perfectly. If you want the active Slack users creating an account on - ask them and let them do so voluntarily. But I am pretty sure that those, who consider themselves as active already have an account. So offer them the possibility to link there two accounts in the profile. Might be nice.

Don’t enforce anything. You will scare people away and will create a very bad reputation about TYPO3. As in “Those TYPO3 guys just want to talk to me, if register myself as a TYPO3 user.”

It seems to me we are mixing several topics together and I think we should be very clear about what wants to be acchieved with what, what we currently have, what is the problem (if any) with the current system and what can be done with what.

If it makes sense to create a central authentication for the users, ok. I am not convinced that one of the initial goals “moving more people to in order to make discussions publicly available and visible” should or must be achieved with forcing people to get a certain account. I don’t like the idea of forcing them. Just because someone has account, doesn’t mean they will automatically use If people find it valuable, they will use it.

I also think this could seriously annoy some people, esp. something like disabling them in slack. Also, even if their data is not in any way relayed to Slack without their consent, one must be very careful how this is communicated and done.

if we want all slack-accounts to be based on a account: what about Stack-Overflow. I doubt we can sync all accounts regarding TYPO3.
Especially if we want consider data regulations and want data storage in europe.

in this case the local information (email) already will be stored at slack. not so good. :frowning:

hi Bernd, Slack won’t be mandatory. In fact, we want to move more people towards Stack Overflow and (once the forum is migrated).

But we want, that people who are using our infrastructure and services, accept our conditions.

Further we wan’t to be able to offer our community a central place to maintain there data and services.