V13.1 indexed search

v13.1 on opensuse OK, except search
The indexing through FE is OK : indexed pages list up-to-date

I cannot use the search page with the new included plugin :
Oops, an error occurred! Request: 99f2677755c00

after the indexation of a page, the BE indexation page gives an error :
Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: #1509741914: Unable to render image tag: File /sgc/public/_assets/f21e82d0f1e264cba24fa2cdb8a1505e/Icons/FileTypes/pages.gif does not exist. | TYPO3Fluid\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\Exception thrown in file /srv/www/htdocs/sgc/vendor/typo3/cms-fluid/Classes/ViewHelpers/ImageViewHelper.php in line 227. Requested URL: https://w2.2sapins.ponctey.fr/sgc/public/typo3/module/web/IndexedSearchIsearch?token=--AnonymizedToken--&id=168
File /srv/www/htdocs/sgc/public/_assets/f21e82d0f1e264cba24fa2cdb8a1505e/Icons/FileTypes/pages.gif exists and is readable by wwwrun (I have the same errors on v12.4.14 but the old research plugin gives results)

Hi Philippe!

This particular exception code (1509741914) should indicate that the file storage is missing. Check if it is set up correct. If it is, I recommend you submit a bug report, as I can imagine that there may be edge cases that would also generate this exception (triggered by an \InvalidArgumentException).

Good luck! Let me know how it goes, and please post a link to any bug reports in a reply here. :slightly_smiling_face:

— Mathias

Hi Mathias!

there is a storage at the root page list :
This is the local fileadmin/ directory. This storage mount has been created automatically by TYPO3.
The indexing through FE is OK : indexed pages list up-to-date but I have to access statistics by a link page ; after the first indexation of a page, the BE indexation page gives an error :
Core: Exception handler (WEB): Uncaught TYPO3 Exception: #1509741914: Unable to render image tag: File /sgc/public/_assets/f…

I cannot use the search page with the included plugin :
Oops, an error occurred! Request: 99f2677755c00