TYPO3 V12 Deploy Error when deploying Vendor - PathUtility.php

Hello, I’m experiencing an issue with deploying TYPO3 version 12. The task “deploy:vendors” has encountered an error:

Register typo3/class-alias-loader file in root package autoload definition
[staging] Generating class alias map file
[staging] Class _ located in ./vendor/maciejczyzewski/bottomline/src/_/load.php does not comply with psr-4 autoloading standard. Skipping.
[staging] > post-autoload-dump: TYPO3\CMS\Composer\Installer\Plugin->listen
[staging] Executing TYPO3 installer scripts
[staging] In PathUtility.php line 167:
[staging] [ParseError]
[staging] syntax error, unexpected ‘)’
[staging] Exception trace:
[staging] at /…/htdocs/releases/154/vendor/typo3/cms-core/Classes/Utility/PathUtility.php:167
[staging] Composer\Autoload{closure}() at phar:///…/htdocs/.dep/composer.phar/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php:427
[staging] Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass() at n/a:n/a

any Help Please?
best Regards

I found the problem; it was related to the PHP version on the server. Despite setting PHP FPM to 8.2, php 7.4 was active in the shell. I was able to activate PHP 8.2 through an alias. :slight_smile: