TYPO3 Screenshots Tool - Support screenshots of third-party extensions

Application by
Alexander Nitsche

What is your idea about?
The TYPO3 Screenshots Tool was successfully launched in 2021 and already automatically generates images of the official TYPO3 documentation. With this budget we want to extend the scope of the tool from generating screenshots in predefined TYPO3 environments to scripting photo tours for any third-party TYPO3 extensions. To do this, we need to figure out how to split the project into the central project part and the part needed by these third-party extensions and what additional setup is needed in the extensions.

What is the potential impact of your idea?
Since the TYPO3 Screenshots Tool is still centrally organized, extensions from which screenshots are to be taken must be registered with this tool - as is already done for the Extension Builder, for example. This will now be relaxed to also support third-party extensions in taking screenshots without having to register them centrally, so that the TYPO3 community can benefit from this tool and it becomes widespread.

This feature will also unify the setup of acceptance test environments in third-party extensions.

This work is based on the preliminary work on the TYPO3 Screenshots Tool contained in the budget request “TYPO3 Screenshots Tool - Basic Module”. Further advantages of this approach to maintaining screenshots are also listed there.

Who can / should implement your idea?
I will take care myself

Approximate Funds needed
€10,000 - €25,000

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It is important to mention, that this feature will also make the integration of the screenshot tool into the core easier, for which there is a second budget idea.

Fyi: This request has been rejected by the Budget Control Committee.