TYPO3 Conference “T3CON16,” October 26-27 in Munich - Call for Speakers and Papers

Thu. 2nd June, 2016

Under the motto "MAKE INNOVATION HAPPEN," the world's largest event for the TYPO3 community will be held this year in Munich from October 26-27. By organizing both a Business Day and a Future Day, IT decision makers, agencies, marketing managers, developers, designers and editors will be approached equally so that they can learn more about current and future-oriented developments and potential applications for the topics of TYPO3, content management and web in general. The whole program will be rounded off by a two-day Expo that the products and innovations will be presented at.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://typo3.org/article/typo3-conference-t3con16-october-26-27-in-munich-call-for-speakers-and-papers?type=0/.env