Hi, I am trying to install typo3 on MacOS silicon for local development in my zsh terminal. I installed orbstack and ddev successfully per the docs, then ran “ddev config --php-version 8.3” and had to manually change the “type” to typo3 when it was done. That went fine, then ran ddev start and it ran successfully:
Successfully started typo3
Your project can be reached at https://typo3.ddev.site
See 'ddev describe' for alternate URLs.
fpolli@FredBook typo3 % ddev composer create "typo3/cms-base-distribution:^13"
a whole lot of output
TYPO3 does not seem to have been set up yet, missing settings.php (/Users/fpolli/www/typo3/config/system/settings.php)
Generating additional.php file for database connection.
ddev composer create was successful.
Then I ran the typo3 setup. I want to use postgres and I have a functioning installation on my MacBook that I have used with Laravel Herd. In the typo3 setup:
fpolli@FredBook typo3 % ddev typo3 setup
Which web server is used?
[apache] Apache
[iis ] Microsoft IIS
[other ] Other (use for anything else)
> other
Database driver?
[mysqli ] [MySQLi] Manually configured MySQL TCP/IP connection
[mysqliSocket ] [MySQLi] Manually configured MySQL socket connection
[pdoMysql ] [PDO] Manually configured MySQL TCP/IP connection
[pdoMysqlSocket] [PDO] Manually configured MySQL socket connection
[postgres ] Manually configured PostgreSQL connection
[sqlite ] Manually configured SQLite connection
> postgres
Enter the database "username" [default: db] ? user
Enter the database "password" ?
Enter the database "host" [default: db] ?
Enter the database "port" [default: 3306] ? 5432
☓ [Error]: An exception occurred in the driver: SQLSTATE[08006] [7] connection to server at "", port 5432 failed: Connection refused
Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
Failed to run typo3 setup: exit status 1
I also tried accepting the default “host”.
I confirmed the connection details in TablePlus
Thank you.