Rewrite the tutorial “Developing TYPO3 Extensions with Extbase and Fluid”

Application by
Lina Wolf

What is your idea about?
The content of the current tutorial “Developing TYPO3 Extensions with Extbase and Fluid” has been derived from the book “Zukunftssichere TYPO3-Extensions mit Extbase und Fluid” written in 2010, 12 years ago.

The text was written to be published in a book and not optimized for an online manual deployed on the web. Since then, the documentation team has kept updating the manual but this is getting harder and harder. The extensions used for the examples in this book are not running on modern systems and have been created on historic principles. The explanatory texts have become unreadable and even wrong by subsequent trials to keep them up to date.

We are at the point where we have to throw away and really rewrite the tutorial.

What is the potential impact of your idea?
Having an up-to-date and easy to follow tutorial on how to create TYPO3 extensions will make it easier for new developers to learn how to create extensions in a way that they can be easily updated and extended in the future.

One topic that is often mentioned on where systems like Wordpress or Drupal have advantages over TYPO3 is the vast base of plugins for every use case you can think of.

The TYPO3 TER is full of extensions that don’t get updated anymore. Often it is hard to keep them updated because certain principles where not respected on creation (API functions ignored etc.)

Also many TYPO3 agencies do not publish their solutions because the step from “creating an extension that somehow works” to “creating an extension that is fit to be published” is very steep for developers

Who can / should implement your idea?
I will take care myself

Approximate Funds needed
€5,000 - €10,000


This would be a great benefit, maybe not only for beginners, to have an official guideline for creating an extension. And maybe also get more developers involved.

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