Results: Minimum Requirements for TYPO3 v9

For the full discussion see Minimum Requirements for TYPO3 v9 - Discuss Topics - TYPO3 Decisions

PHP 7.1


  • We can use nullable types (together with strict typing for more consistency)
  • EOL of PHP 7.0 is this year, TYPO3 9 LTS available fall next year
  • Finally fix long file paths in Windows problem (!)


  • Distribution support may be limited
Distribution support
  • Ubuntu 18.04: yes
  • Debian 9: no (EOL probably 2020) - Through dotdeb / ppa available
  • SLES: no
  • RHEL: no (but: PHP 5.4.16 - so let’s forget about that fast)
  • Fedora: yes (next stable)

MySQL 5.7


  • Supports json types (doctrine does, too - as long as the dbms does [oracle, postgres, sqlserver && mysql > 5.6])
  • Doctrine support (either 5.0 or 5.7)

see Types - Doctrine Database Abstraction Layer (DBAL)


Distribution support
  • Ubuntu: yes
  • SLES: yes (download from mysql directly)
  • RHEL: yes (download from mysql directly)
  • Fedora: yes

Drop IE support


  • use more native JS functionality
  • Reduce complexity / overhead


  • last version of IE (supported until 2020 / 2025)

General Remarks

  • 7LTS / 8LTS will be around for quite some time being supported on all major linux distributions


  • PHP 7.2
  • PHP 7.1
  • PHP 7.0 (current 8 requirement)
  • I don’t care
0 voters
  • MySQL 5.7
  • MySQL 5.5 (current 8 requirement)
  • MySQL 5.0
  • I don’t care
0 voters
  • Drop IE 11 support
  • Keep IE 11 support
  • I don’t care
0 voters

Let’s please make sure that a current version of mariadb (10.x) works as well. It’s “mostly” compatible to newer MySQL-versions. Some distributions move to mariadb and the community moved as well.

Let’s please make sure that a current version of mariadb (10.x) works as well. It’s “mostly” compatible to newer MySQL-versions. Some distributions move to mariadb and the community moved as well.


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