Page Type "External URL" - Show Image instead of text link

Dear experts,

I am quite new to Typo3 and already experiencing some headache … :slight_smile:
What I try : I just want to add a link to an external url in a user navigation menue at the top of the website.

This works, but I want the url to be shown / displayed as a logo / image instead of textual url.

I guess this is more an easy task, but I couldn’t find an answer to this problem.

Could you please guide me?!?

Thanks a lot.


Hi Timo,
welcome to TYPO3!
What version of TYPO3 do you have and how do you generate your menu?


Hi Robert,

it should be version 10.4.30 and how do I generate the menu … well I try to explain :slight_smile:

I use a page type “folder” = User navigation, this is used in the template for the top section on our website. Inside this “folder-page” I create pages with type “external url” …

Is this what you need to know ?


Hi Timo,
did you check how to create navigations with TYPO3?

This is the traditional way:

The alternative is to use MenuProcessors

Both ways are flexible and it is possible to insert images with page links.

I recommend you to use the MenuProcessor.
