Not only support German transliteration in TYPO3 Core

by Mathias Bolt Lesniak

What is your idea about?
"TYPO3 currently only supports German transliteration of special characters. Most languages use a different transliteration scheme, and German transliteration therefore produces results that are unusual in most of the world. This has been a documented bug since June 2009 (Bug #20612: scandinavian letters are translittered wrong - TYPO3 Core - TYPO3 Forge), and it is preventing TYPO3 from being truly international and multilingual.

E.g. German transliterates ö as ““oe””, while it’s transliterated as ““o”” in Swedish.

I developed a proof of concept some years back, but it is better suited for the Core and needs modernization: GitHub - pixelant/transliterator: Better transliteration in TYPO3 slugs, etc."

What do you want to achieve by the end of Q1 2024?
“— Switch TYPO3 from using custom code to using symfony/string for transliteration (credit to Susi Moog in March 2019)
— Connect transliteration to the installation’s active locale whenever possible. This means a Norwegian translation of a page will transliterate as Norwegians expect and a German translation of a page will transliterate as Germans expect.
— Create localizable transliteration options for common symbols, such as “”&”" → ““and””.
— Create configuration options for fallback transliteration languages where locale cannot be detected.
— If technically feasible: Develop configuration options for disabling transliteration entirely (full UTF-8 URLs, for example)."

What is the potential impact of your idea for the overall goal?
With this feature, TYPO3 will be more acceptable to non-German agencies and their customers. TYPO3 will be truly localizable — also when it deals with character transliteration.

Which budget do you need for your idea?
5.000 Euro


Do you know how other CMS do that like Wordpress, Drupal and so on?

Hi Simon!

Here’s what I’ve been able to figure out:

WordPress uses the sanitize_filter() function with custom conversion tables (English-based):

Drupal can use different TransliterationInterface implementations. The default is PhpTransliteration, which includes predefined transliteration tables for different languages (so, no English-only or German-only transliteration).

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Superb initiative!
As often working with non German websites it has been a great source of inconvenience since the beginning of time :slight_smile: