- rendered on starting with earliest ELTS (currently 7.6)
- maintained (meaning they receive updates): starting with earliest LTS. ELTS versions can still get updates but they are not actively maintained.
- versions that are still available for clone or download: all available versions, we do not remove the branches
I would propose to do the same for the Wiki:
- a downloadable archive will be provided so people can still have access to the older information. This is similar to cloning the GitHub repositories for, checking out the older branches and rendering locally (though it will be easier, the files in the archive can be viewed with a brower, no setup required)
- things that are only relevant for versions 6.2 and below can be removed
Procedure when an ELTS ends:
- redirect to next major version, e.g. for 6.2 redirect to 7.6
Current status quo
I already wrote down here what currently seems to be the policy:
Available versions:
We currently have the following policy:
- Official manuals are available on for all ELTS versions and above
Documentation for older versions is still available - if it existed - (in the respective branches on GitHub), see
This means the older versions (before earliest ELTS) will not get rendered on It will also no longer get maintained. But it is available to clone and render locally.
I am assuming 6.2 ELTS ends March 31, 2020. Must correct this if I am wrong but the general principles can still apply.
- Documentation on and on that is only relevant for versions 6.2 and below will be removed (from rendering) and is no longer available online (but is available as git clone or download).
Migration / necessary tasks
- Wiki: create downloadable archive of Wiki
- create generic redirect for redirecting to next major version (6.2 → 7.6)
- remove 6.2 version from rendering (and rename branches 6.2 → 6-2)
TYPO3 has a long ELTS period but all good things must end at some point. This proposal aims to remove outdated TYPO3 content where it is available online, turns up in search results and wreaks havoc and confusion. On the other hand, the people that do still maintain older sites (and we all know this is still done though it is strongly discouraged) will still have access to the older documentation, if necessary.
I think this is a good compromise.