This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
Long battle with the nomination form
Contribution decreases…
This effect makes sense, because as we get older, have families, less time and more need for $$$, the focus in Live shifts. How do you maintain engagement? How to attract young enthusiasts? How do you close the gap?
I see numbers as a key factor in the visibility and therefore the business potential of TYPO3 for all of us. A T3CON with 250 visitors? Not really interesting. A rough 1,000 members? Well, if we want to be a significant global enterprise CMS, it is not only the technical foundation that matters. We need strength to convince customers of TYPO3.
And according to my experience, this is also possible outside the DACH region.
So ask me questions, start to discuss and maybe let’s push that together in the TYPO3 associaton!