Integration of EXT:paste_reference into TYPO3 core

by Ephraim Härer

What is your idea about?
Copy and paste references of elements in TYPO3 backend instead of inserting copies.

What do you want to achieve by the end of Q3 2024?

Full preparation for TYPO3 12 LTS and TYPO3 13 (before feature freeze).

What is the potential impact of your idea for the overall goal?

Bring a very often used feature into TYPO3 core according to guidelines of core team and with same implementation like other backend scripts.

Which budget do you need for your idea?
3.000 Euro

Please note: After the start of the voting we can not change the idea description nor the idea outcome. If this idea is selected by the members, it must be archived as described.


Can you please add an example? I don’t understand your problem/wish.

@froemken This is a suggestion to integrate the paste as reference feature, known from gridelements (which most people forget that this is not a core feature) and missing it when migrating away from gridelements.

There is also a dedicated extension called paste_reference which does only the paste_reference stuff without additional gridlement addion.

As far as I understand this proposal, it is about having that JavaScript (TypeScript) along with some coloring preview rendering (PageLayout module) like gridelements/paste_reference directly in the core - because that would mean that the core have to maintain it, mainly because not many people are contributing to the paste_reference extension.

On Top of that, I guess the core integration would require some kind of registry/event system to allow extension to register/intervine here (for example Gridelements).

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Hi @froemken,
It’s exactly what @stefan.buerk has written down.
To see this feature in TYPO3 12 you can use the branch for TYPO3 12:

Do I have to ask somebody from the core team before how we could get this to work and if this could be an option or not @stefan.buerk ?

For those who are not familiar with the paste reference feature from gridelements can you please describe the benefit of paste_reference over the “Insert Record” content element which already exists in the core.

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Hello Peter,
yes I can describe it in detail:
Very often a backend editor copies content and insert it a another place to have the same content there, e.g. also with forms and other plugins.
Often it is not needed to have a full copy of there record, a reference would be the best.
The core has it’s own content element to bring the functionality of references, but it is not integrated in the context menu or in the backend modals if a record will be copied.
The extension brings the functionality to have this option e.g. with a right click in the context menu or when inserting a record into a column.

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