Integrate the automatic screenshot tool closely into the TYPO3 Core

Application by
Lina Wolf

What is your idea about?
Integrate the automatic screenshot tool TYPO3 Online Days 2021 - #T3OD21 - Day 1 - May 20, 2021 - YouTube we created last year closely into the Core as acceptance tests.

Right now changes in the Core do not take the screenshot tool into account and might make it fail. By integrating the tool into the test chain this can be prevented.

We will integrate the screenshot tool into the TYPO3 Mono repository as optional package (like EXT:styleguides) that can be installed into any TYPO3 project via Composer. This way it can be installed into any future project as well as the main development branch of the TYPO3 Core.

We will then include the acceptance tests for Core references into the CI chain running tests.

Furthermore the creation of the actual screenshots to be displayed in the references and manuals will be created at rendering time of the documentation. This way we can get rid of a large number of binary files from the documentation repositories and the screenshots are always kept up to date.

What is the potential impact of your idea?
The automatic screenshots will be run as acceptance tests. Therefore we will have a much closer testing of the backend interface then we have now.

The current acceptance tests in the Core were written by developers having in mind to test specific functions that they implemented. The acceptance tests needed to generate the screenshots are written by a backend editor / integrators point of view and can reveal flaws that a developer writing tests for new functions oversees.

The tool can be used by agencies to generate screenshots of their own configuration of the backend and the output in the frontend. This will facilitate creating technical documentation and editors manuals. The agencies can use the screenshots as acceptance tests as well. This is a feature that no other Open Source CMS offers out-of-the box.

Once most screenshots in the reference documentation are generated automatically, it will be possible to integrate the references into the TYPO3 mono-repository without blowing it up with binary files. This way a new feature and its documentation in the references can be handled within a single Change.

Who can / should implement your idea?
I am looking for someone, to implement my Idea

Approximate Funds needed
€10,000 - €25,000