How to change length of form field


I’m new to Typo3.
I created a simple contact form and I don’t see how I can change the lenght of the fields.
They all have the same length.
Can somebody give me a hint?

kind regards

Hi Reyer welcome to the TYPO3 world can you give a bit more context? are we talking Backend Forms via TCA.
Frontend Forms via ext:form or something else like powermail. there are lot of options for formfields in TYPO3. and depending on what you are dealing with the solution will be different,

Hi Christian,

Since I don’t know much about Typo3 this is a difficult question.
We have a website with a contact page in which people can send feedback or questions,
Would that answer your question?


Hi This does not really solve the question. (it only rules out the Backend forms)

TYPO3 is a system complex system. where one Instalation might have very different features from the next.
as most funktions are “modular” and enacpsulated in extension which then provide “plugins” or “content element”

on our Contact page you will most likly have a “plugin” if you edit the plugin it should tell you the name of the plugin.

also what TYPO3 version are we talking about.

also I would suggest you join the TYPO3 Slack Chat (Slack) as this is well suited for interactive sessions.

Hi Christian,

The TYPO3 version is 9.5.47

r\Regarding the plugn, this is what I see now:


Does that help?


Could anyone help me please?

Hi Reyer!

I think you’re referring to the visual size of the fields when the form is rendered on the web page.

With a responsive website design, the size of the fields will depend on the size of the screen and other styling choices. A field will normally fill the entire width of the area it is placed into.

You can customize styling of specific fields using CSS.

For how many characters are allowed in a field, I recommend using a validator that checks the length of the input string.

I hope this helps. Please feel free to ask further questions!

— Mathias

Hi Mathias,

Thanks for your response.
Yes, I’m referring to the visual size of fields.
So a CSS could also customize the size of a field type and not only the style?

kind regards

Hi Reyer!

Yes, the CSS property width is your friend.

— Mathias

Hi Mathias,

Thanks a lot.
I will try to find out how to use the CSS to change the field size.

kind regards