File Endings for TypoScript and TSconfig files - Results

File Endings for TypoScript and TSconfig files

This voting relates to how to distinguish between TSconfig (User + Page), TypoScript and defining best practices
to be used completely throughout the TYPO3 Core.

See discussion here: File Endings for TypoScript files and TSconfig files - Discuss Topics - TYPO3 Decisions

For the sake of deciding, not all options have been added, otherwise having more than 6 options does not lead to a proper result. If necessary, a followup discussion/vote will be created

What should be the default file endings for TypoScript files (disregarding TSconfig for now)?

  • .t3s
  • .ts
  • .typoscript
  • .txt (as it is now)
  • I don’t care
0 voters

How should TypoScript and UserTS / PageTS be distinguished?

  • By Folders: TypoScript / PageTSconfig / UserTSconfig (further details below)
  • By File Endings: .typoscript, .pagetsconfig, .usertsconfig
  • By File Endings: .constants.typoscript, setup.typoscript, .user.typoscript, .page.typoscript
  • I don’t care
0 voters

How should TypoScript constants and setup be distinguished?

  • By File Names: e.g. setup.txt, constants.txt (disregarding .txt for the moment now)
  • By File Endings: myfile.setupts, myfile.constantsts
  • By File Endings: myfile.constants.typoscript, myfile.setup.typoscript
  • By Folders: setup/ and constants/
  • I don’t care
0 voters

IF using folder structures for TSconfig, what should be the default folder names?

  • Configuration/PageTSconfig, Configuration/UserTSconfig
  • Configuration/PageTsConfig, Configuration/UserTsConfig
  • Configuration/PageTs, Configuration/UserTs
  • Configuration/PageTS, Configuration/UserTS
  • Configuration/TsConfig/Page, Configuration/TsConfig/User
  • Configuration/TSConfig/Page, Configuration/TSConfig/User
  • I don’t care
0 voters

What should be the default file endings for TSconfig files?

  • .t3s
  • .ts
  • .typoscript
  • .tsconfig
  • .page.tsconfig and .user.tsconfig
  • .txt (as it is now)
  • I don’t care
0 voters

This topic was automatically closed after 7 days. New replies are no longer allowed.

Summary / Final Decision after the voting timeframe:

  • Default File Endings for TypoScript files is “.typoscript”
  • TypoScript / UserTSconfig / PageTSconfig should be distinguished throughout the folder structure (not related to how it is named)
  • Default File Endings for TSconfig files (User+Page) is “.tsconfig”

No final decision:

  • Separating TypoScript setup and constants as well as the folder structure default naming is not a clear result, so I prepare a followup on that topic on how to proceed.