Extension to fetch User-Feedback in Front- and Backend

Application by
volker kemeter

What is your idea about?
When a user (editor) has a problem with your project (in the backend or in the frontend) that something is not working like expected, you are most of the time working on calling the cliend/editor/user to get all needed data to reproduce the problem.

To solve a problem, it is necessary to have all relevant informations like page id, language, screenshot, url, cookies and possible frontend specific things like screenwidth and so on.

With my extension, which extends the admin panel in the frontend and having an icon in the toolbar in the backend, the editor is able to send a email to a defined address (or in future releases directly into a ticket-system) with all informations a developer needs to reproduce and solve a problem.

What is the potential impact of your idea?
First of all, if that could be a core-feature, no one needs to pay money to expensive tools like user-snap or similar (mostly expensive tools).

Next, the editor gets all informations on a problem to solve things.

Next, the editor is happy to have such tools even in the backend (that is with commecial tools not so easy to handle)

Next, i want to push the “new” admin panel because i think it is handy

Who can / should implement your idea?
I would love to take care myself with a couple of experts who can help improving code, tests and documentations

Approximate Funds needed
Below €5,000

hi all and thanks to the TYPO3-Association for accepting my idea.

the extension (opinion) is already in a very early development state and can be testet in a TYPO3 v10.

see the github repository: GitHub - vkemeter/opinion: Getting user opinions like a boss

known todos yet:

  • code refactoring for v11
  • documentation
  • javascript improvements and cleanup

thank you. volker.

Hello Volker,

thank you for your application. In our call for applications we asked for specific ideas to grow the membership of the TYPO3 Association. Can you please explain how you application can help to grow the number of members?