Hi, is any of you still using the extension PXA Product Manager?
I’m trying to migrate a TYPO3 9 to TYPO3 11. Right now, I’ve finished migrating to TYPO3 10 and all extensions are working except the product manager. Currently I am trying the newest Version of the product manager which should work with TYPO3 10 and 11 but I also tried the previous major version of the plugin. Obviously there are lots of changes in plugin configuration and product data. After assigning a product type to each product, the attributes for each product are showing in the back end again. Currently I can’t display the products in the front end properly. They’re showing on “Custom Product List” when I switch to “Manually select products” and select a few. But then I don’t have any filters in the front end. On “Product List” or on “Custom Product List” with “Dynamic selection by product page tree” it says “no products found” no matter what I do. I can’t select a category in the front end plugin anymore.
Sadly, I didn’t find any specific migration instruction in the documentation of the plugin. Additionally the entire manual seems to be referring to the 9.0 Version of the plugin.
Did any of you already manage to migrate this plugin to version 11.