Direct business development for TYPO3 in the developing countries and emerging markets

Application by
Daniel Homorodean

What is your idea about?
There is big potential in implementing TYPO3 in new markets, in the deveveloping countries, by promoting the advantages of our CMS to their governments, assist them in adopting it and in funding the pilot projects with the help of the international development agencies. The TYPO3 Community Expansion Committee has proven this model in Rwanda and has developed relations that can sustain this direction. The idea involves representing and presenting TYPO3 in international conferences and in direct business development meetings with representatives of national governmental agencies, international development organizations ( GIZ, EC, UN etc), national IT associations and chambers of commerce.

What is the potential impact of your idea?
Introducing TYPO3 to new markets, creating new relevant markets for TYPO3 and for TYPO3 agencies, new TYPO3 integrators and developers.

Who can / should implement your idea?
TYPO3 Community Expansion Committee. I will coordinate the project myself

Approximate Funds needed
€5,000 - €10,000