Communications consulting (ongoing)

Application by
Jeffrey A. McGuire

What is your idea about?
“1. Continue collaborating with the TYPO3 Association and the TYPO3 community members in support of their communication goals.
2. Enable community members to contribute and produce content in support of the TYPO3 Association communication goals and plan.
3. Promote and encourage community content contribution and production
4. Support international growth of TYPO3 CMS and community”

What is the potential impact of your idea?
2021 will be a great chance for international growth for TYPO3. Our investment in improving the standard of communications around the TYPO3 Project can materially improve our chances of growing adoption and advocacy for TYPO3 around the world.

Who can / should implement your idea?
I will take care myself

Approximate Funds needed
€25,000 - €50,000

During the last few years, this collaboration has resulted in increased quality of published articles at and great results at marketing and content sprints.

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Can you tell us a little bit more about what this entails?

There has certainly been some great articles and marketing but I usually don’t know who initiated it.

That question is a good starter for a longish article, but I’ll try to keep it short here.

It wouldn’t be too far off the mark to say that every article published at is touched by this in some way. The same is true for every marketing and content sprint.

I personally emphasize this when I describe as the goal with what’s delivered: Not replacing community involvement, not doing content production, but community empowerment and enablement. That is: Making it possible for everyone in the community to write about TYPO3 and what they do in the community without fear of writing or lack of English skills.

The publishing pipeline is managed through this collaboration, and the Member Newsletter too. If necessary, we also have someone to step in and help if it’s too much for the community. This aid has been immensely helpful during the COVID-19 pandemic, where some of our community contributors have had to put their focus elsewhere.

We also get access to professional technical writers, communication strategists, and facilitators with experience working with other CMSs and open-source projects. That perspective helps develop quality TYPO3 communications and teaches us, the community, how to be better at talking about what we do.