André Richter - candidate for the 2025 board election

When I founded my first company back in 2000, I was already convinced that a powerful tool is needed for managing content. In 2004, I got in touch with TYPO3 for the first time, and — although the CMS wasn't as cool as today — the system convinced me in a glimpse. Since then, we used the software for quite a lot of websites, and I found myself engaging more and more in the community. I love to talk to different kind of people, either at the events or when speaking to prospects. I am a member of the marketing team, and one of the hosts of the Berlin TYPO3-camp. In both roles I benefit from my studies in media and informatics where I had the chance to speak in front of many people.

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Hi folks,

Please check back to me if you have questions or comments. I will respond asap.

Best regards,