About the Vote now! category

Archived category migrated from decisions.typo3.org (see Consolidating decisions.typo3.org Into talk.typo3.org)

Category containing actual votes on topics. Every topic voted here should have a corresponding thread in the discussion section. Please make sure that the votes are public (as set in the topic template).

For more options on creating polls, see http://blog.discourse.org/2015/08/improved-polls-in-discourse/

For more information on the decision process see Decision Process - Google Präsentationen

As a core team member creating a decision post you are responsible for the process and the voting aftermath. Auto-Close time for all votings has been set to a week.


  1. Create a post in this category by copying the discussion results to your new topic and adding a poll to it.
  2. Announce the topic in #typo3-coredev channel on slack
  3. Moderate the voting (no discussion anymore, please)
  4. Close the topic after the voting so no more comments are possible.
  5. Announce the results on typo3.org / slack / wiki.