Upgrading TYPO3.org

Fri. 1st April, 2005

Last night I upgrade TYPO3.org to the latest CVS version of 3.8.0. Due to problems with the TER I had to switch back to 3.7.0 and will try another upgrade later this day. During the upgrade process, the site was not available for about 25 seconds followed by a period being quite slow because all caches had to be rebuilt. After upgrading TYPO3.org, the TER didn't work anymore and also some other parts showed some strange behaviour, so in the end I had to switch back to 3.7.0. We want to use 3.8.0-dev for TYPO3.org because of the new caching features it offers. By using them we expect to have a major speed improvement for the whole website. But this is not the only action we take for improving the reliability of our community sites. If you want to know what's happening behind the scenes you can always read the mailing list / news group of the TYPO3.org team.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://typo3.org/article/upgrading-typo3org/