Now I already tried to give “pidInList” the uid of the target page (pidInList = 56) and also tried “uidInList” instead but I get no results unless I use “pidInList = 1”. then I get the whole pages of the site and not just the subset I need.
I could imagine that your definition of the languageField could make problems.
Either it should be only sys_language_uid (as TYPO3 probably inserts the table name itself resulting in an invalid pages.pages.sys_language_uid)
or you can omit it as it is defined in the TCA already.
BTW: If you want to use the property uidInList you need to set pidInList = 0
It’s lib.subs = CONTENT. That’s strange that only pidInList = 1 results in an output while giving it any other number doesn’t. The page-uids I tried are existent in “pages”.
Maybe it has something to do with the type of page (1 is the uid of the root page of the site)?